Archives for posts with tag: Cat

When Ariana is painting Claude sometimes wedges himself between her and the back of the chair. He either wants to get close, for warmth, or he just wants the chair all to himself.

Claude trying to make space for himself on the chair.

Claude trying to make space for himself on the chair.

Ariana's taboret.

Ariana’s taboret.

Everybody was sleepy on a cold and dreary Sunday afternoon.


Henry and Claude sleeping by the window

Henry and Claude sleeping by the window

Ellie made herself a nest on the bed.

Ellie made herself a nest on the bed.

Danny Boy is one of my favorite subjects but he just wasn’t cooperating this time.

10-48 AM

Another drawing of Danny Boy. You can’t tell from my drawing but Danny is a big ‘ol ginger and white cat.


My brother’s family inherited a cat last year. At first he was a super shy boy but I could tell he was a good cat. Now that he’s comfortable in his new home he has shown what a great cat he is. There will be more of Danny Boy to follow.

Danny Boy doing what he does best.



Claude enjoys being out on the balcony on a warm spring day. All the better because it’s not really spring yet.